PROBLEM AUNTY | Does My Boyfriend Watch Too Much Porn?

It seems there’s been a few issues with men and sex and porn recently. Personally, the only issue I have is I can’t get enough! But, it’s not all about me so let’s take a look at some of your problems because it’s all about you!

Dear Aunty,

My boyfriend is always watching porn and I think he may have a problem. I’ve seen him five times this month watching stuff on his phone and yet we haven’t had real sex for nearly two months. Should I tell him to go get help or tell him it’s me or the porn?

Larry, Birmingham


Larry dear,
Never tell a man it’s his pornography or you, as you’ll never win. Men and pornography go together like one night stands and crabs. Since the dawn of man they’ve been etching images of their manhoods, usually over-inflated I might add, to arouse the masses and share sordid stories. So once the internet was invented, for the sole purpose of sharing pornography, men old and young have been beating away at quicker speeds. The trick here is to embrace technology. Suggest making your own home movie with him being the star. Failing that strap an iPad to your back playing the latest ‘men-with-veg’ series and watch him jump right in there.


Aunts xx

Categories: Just For Fun
Aunty: The UK's bitchiest agony aunt. Send her your woes if you dare.