Channel 4 Unreported World: Jamaica’s Underground Gays

Tonight on Channel 4 at 7:30pm is another episode in the Unreported World series. This time it focuses on the Underground gays of Jamaica.

The documentary follows a group of young gay and transgender men and women who are forced underground and are currently living in a gully due to being ostracised by their friends and family.

We see the heartbreaking ordeals that they have to deal with on a daily basis including unprovoked abuse from a local councillor and stones being thrown at them by passersby. However the documentary also shows how this group lives; through prostitution to donations made by a lovely lady called Yvonne from Dwayne’s House.

To find out more information about Dwayne’s House, please click here: http://www.dwayneshouse.info/

As many people know Jamaica is a country that is very proud and holds traditional Christian values and unfortunately this is an area where the repugnant homophobia comes from.


Furthermore Jamaica has a very rich musical history with dancehall originating in the country, yet it is even through this music that you hear blatant homophobia as in this track by Buju Banton entitled Boom Bye Bye: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIUZlzd37sI

If you’d like to see a preview of the documentary, please click here: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/unreported-world/videos/all/jamaicas-underground-gays


Channel 4’s Unreported World: Jamaica’s Underground Gays is on at 7.30PM

Categories: TV