COMMENT | What does LGBT+ actually mean…

LGBTQIAPK – Has it all gone too far? – A follow up

The rationale behind the question was about division by classification. Is this a form of segregation?

Is it a division any group would allow; if it were not a self-imposed segregation?

When segregation has been imposed historically by authority it has created alienation and not promoted inclusion. How is this different?

There appear to be 3 distinct groups, Heterosexuality, LGBT+, and the groups and acts that are illegal.

“I am a man, and a gay man at that, but I am not LGBT+. Where does LGBT+ exist? It exists in the policy documents of local authorities and on the pages of corporate propaganda”

Is LGBT+ just political? I sometimes feel like a unit of currency or a pawn in someone else’s game. I am not a stepping stone for someone’s political ambition or career. I am a man, and a gay man at that, but I am not LGBT+.


Where does LGBT+ exist? In someone’s mind or the minds of some, but perhaps not the consciousness of the masses. It exists in the policy documents of local authorities and on the pages of corporate propaganda. It exists in some places in London, perhaps many. If London is the epicentre of LGBT+ in the UK, then like a pebble dropped in a pool the ripple weakens as it moves further out.

I liken LGBT+ to the Euro and Gay to the pound. They are fast getting to be worth the same. Spending the Euro is possible in London, but try that currency in almost any village in the country and it will be rejected. The pound may sometimes be “the only gay in the village,” but in the UK it is more credible.



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Tom Driver: Disillusioned and back in the closet man who likes other men. Strongly opinionated, possibly outdated. Genuine, cynical, candid and consider I have a humourous outlook. Older than acceptable in Gay circles, larger of frame than is fashionably desirable. Looking for a platform to share my views and listen to others