Drag Queen Becomes Mr S F Leather 2015

The times are definitely changing.

The prestigious MR S.F. LEATHER 2015 title was won on Saturday by a Drag Queen called Jem Jehova. She is the persona of Trevor Wisnieski whose version of drag is ‘San Francisco style’ in that she is bearded and androgynous.

To qualify for the competition, Trevor/Jem had to prove an abiding love for leather and the leather community, and beat out fellow contestants representing bars and businesses around town modelling gear on stage. He will now go on to compete at the INTERNATIONAL MR. LEATHER CONTEST in Chicago in May.

On of Jem’s sister drag queens Juanita More! writes on Facebook, “It’s a new world in San Francisco. Congratulations to [Jem] on her title. She is living proof that you can be EVERYTHING in SF.”



Categories: Drag