Greyson Chance comes out as gay

Singer Greyson Chance who was discovered aged just 12 after doing a school performance of the Lady Gaga song Paparazzi has come out as gay aged 19.

Chance who was signed by Ellen Degeneres’s record company after appearing on the show soon after his video was released and went viral has taken to Instagram to confirm his sexuality. Talking on the social media site and sharing a rainbow picture, he said

“I came to fully recognize that I was gay when I was sixteen. I decided not to publicize my sexuality largely due to a matter of privacy, as I was still trying to find comfort and confidence within my own skin”


Chance who has a steady following on social media took the decision to talk about his sexuality after a message from a fan inspired him come out and share his sexuality with his followers.


You can read the full post from Greyson Chance on his Instagram here and see his famous Paparazzi performance here


Much love to Greyson, and welcome to the family

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Andy Griffiths: I'm a 36 year old gay man who's been in a relationship for 11 years. I now live in Manchester. My interests include writing, movies and watching many different types of documentary. I'm not afraid to voice an opinion, but respects others views