CREDIT: Aaron Holloway


Photographer Aaron Holloway meets with Leo Ocean to ask the ever popular star what kind of man he’s into and why sleeping with straight guys is weird.

Age: 19

Home Country: United Kingdom

Height: 5ft 10inches

Orientation: Gay

What do you look for in the perfect man?

A guy that always looks after himself physically, and doesn’t think he is perfect and always wants to keep the relationship fresh
Are you a homebody or a party boy?

A mix of both. If I’m hungover I’ll stay home but I love a good night out.
What’s the strangest thing that has happened to you as a result of being an adult entertainer (on or off set)

The weirdest thing I would have to say is nothing to be honest because everything is actually normal for me. If I had to choose, then having to have sex with straight guys on camera – I didn’t expect that.

If you could work with any model in the business, who would it be, and what would you do with them?

Johnny Rapid because that boy can be the best bottom and top ever.

Do you have a dream location for a shoot?America maybe with Helix or Barcelona with Staxus. I’m just grateful I get to travel just in general and I love it.

What would be your dream vacation?

My dream vacation is actually to go to Greece, because I love Greek mythology and the culture is beyond words.

On a rainy afternoon, what’s your favourite thing to do?

Run in the rain without an umbrella and just dance for ages on end then go in and have a nice warm drink and a movie.

Any advice for guys who are thinking of a life in porn?Don’t think you are better than other people, don’t believe you can have this as a full-time job because this is an industry that can change fast. Be yourself and be grateful for every chance you get, this is the sayings I go through.

And finally, where can fans find your videos, and you on social media?


My videos are available from Staxus, Eurocreme, Euroboy, boynapped, and Mansurfer – plenty to watch and enjoy! I’m also on twitter and Instagram under @leooceanuk

See the entire shoot on our style site.
Shirt and Necklace by SimonCarter.net

Glasses by: Komono

Watches by DanielWellington.com

Categories: Interview
Aaron Holloway: Australian photographic artist living in a small city in Germany. I travel a lot around Europe and blog about my travels, as well as photograph the cities and people I meet.
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