INTERVIEW: Lydia Lucy – BBC’s The Voice

In her first interview since the final of The Voice, Kris Searle catches up with the lovely and very talented Lydia Lucy to chat about Will.i.am, Nathan Sykes and Romford!

Lydia Lucy – (C) WALL TO WALL – Photographer: Guy Levy


KS: Hello Lydia, are you having a busy day?
LL: Yeah you could say that (laughs)

KS: The Voice must have been an incredible experience?
LL: Yeah it is, it’s absolutely amazing and I’m loving every second of it. I didn’t want it to end!

KS: I know… Well it’s not going to, let’s be positive. You are very talented and you can genuinely see the intention in your performance, you can see it on the stage so I can only see good things. What was it like to work with will.i.am then?
LL: He’s just a genius. Everything he touches turns to gold and I feel like having his advice and input is just an amazing thing. I feel like he really gets my style of music so everything about him really.

KS: Yeah, you can see it when you’re on stage. He’s always got that book out and always writing ideas down. He really loves characteristic girls that have a good stylistic voice as well, so you’re perfect for pop music which he writes very well. Do you have a message in your music?
LL: There’s always a message behind every song and I like to write the rap parts myself so yeah… My performance about my sister really meant a lot to me and my family. I wrote the rap part that Will put into my version of “I’ll Be There“.

Lydia Lucy – (C) Wall To Wall – Photographer: Guy Levy


KS: Yes, music is much better when it has an intention. Are you inspired by anyone in particular?
LL: Michael Jackson is a big one for me, and Aretha Franklin also a massive inspiration. Probably those two.

KS: So following on from the last question… If there was anybody in the industry you could party with who would it be?
LL: I think I have to say Will… I’d love to party with Will, he’s such a genuinely cool guy.

KS: What’s your dream collaboration?
LL: Erm dream collaboration… Obviously Will. I’d really like to collaborate with Nathan Sykes. We went to school together so I’ve known him for years.


KS: Oh really?
LL: Yeah, it would be lovely to be reunited and collaboration together.

KS: Is he from Romford?
LL: No, he’s from Gloucester.

KS: So you’re in Romford and a youngster comes up to you and asks you what is the biggest thing that you’ve learned on The Voice, what would you say?
LL: The biggest thing I’ve learned is to be myself, be positive and believe in myself and for them to do the same.

KS: When you look back on your time in The Voice is there something about the show that you look back on and go “Holy crap that was an experience?”
LL: I’d say the whole thing has just been, you know, overwhelming and I’m just honoured to have been a part of the show.

KS: You can totally see that and you can also see your vulnerability in the performances, which is very refreshing.
LL: Ah thank you.


KS: Is there anything that you wish you’d known before you went on The Voice?
LL: I think it’s happened perfectly and I’m enjoying every single moment and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

KS: I’ve a question from an avid fan… What is your favourite place to party at?
LL: I enjoy going to the Sugar Hut, I sing in there sometimes as well.

KS: What’s your plans for the future, do you have any dream plans?
LL: My plans are to be successful and to be writing music very urban pop, very fresh, very current and hopefully selling… Millions… hahaha

Kris Searle Interviewed Lydia in connection with Music Studio On The Pier

Categories: Interview