THEATRE REVIEW: What Would Beyonce Do?

I had absolutely no idea what to expect from Luisa Omeilan’s solo show, What Would Beyonce Do’, preferring to go into reviews knowing as little as possible, which tends to give me a fairer overview of the piece and boy was I in for a ride with this show.

Luisa explodes onto the stage with the energy of a five year old that’s been fed doughnuts for a week. The show is structured just right, if a tad long, and based around many of the ups and downs of Luisa’s own life from family, relationships, the neediness of having to be in love right through to the soul and confidence crushing heartbreak. And yes, it is very much still in the vain of stand up comedy, even if it doesn’t sound like it!


Some of Luisa’s most personal experiences, in some cases, are expressed through some well thought out comedic analogies (watch out for the boat and for the foreign cow impressions) that are set up in great detail by Luisa. The audience lapped it up and you could really get a feel from them that their laughs were genuine deep belly ones. Luisa is not only a very talented comedian but just as importantly a very talented performer and her characterisations and social observations highlight her outstanding dedication to her craft.




The Beyonce numbers that are thrown in from time to time are good but slightly altered the pace in some instances. Saying that, it’s a good tool to get the audience revved up (which they didn’t need on this particular night). Luisa’s stamina is infectious; couple this with her ability to deliver gags like a knockout blow, whilst keeping the tenderness of the ‘story’ paramount is what makes the show a must see. It could have been very much different as she was going to call it “What Would Margaret Thatcher Do”. Imagine THAT??

Jason Reid: Jason has worked on and around London's gay scene since the late 90's. Having had worked with some of the countries top cabaret performers/venues he quickly become a recognisable face and name on the scene and was snapped up by London's QX Magazine as their cabaret reporter in 2011. Jason was one of the main judges for both Drag Idol 2011/12 and Mr Gay UK 2012.