Tom Daley’s Biggest Fan Responds to Hate Messages

Last week the internet went crazy as Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black announced their engagemen

In the wake of their happy news, Tom Daley’s “biggest” fan, Carl James posted a heart-felt video to his YouTube account declaring his undying yet unrequited love for Tom, and his heartbreak over Tom’s recent engagement.

Shortly after the video was picked up by various news outlets, the YouTube personality was inundated with views, and comments on the video, many of them extremely nasty.
This week, Carl has responded to the hate messages with his latest video. Towards the end of the video Carl addresses the issue of online bullying, and promotes the services of online anti-bullying site DitchTheLabel.org.

While Carl James is not the first person to be attacked by online bullies, it is important for us all to remember that bullying in any context is not OK. It’s not ok at school, in the workplace, among friends, and certainly not online. Your words can have real effects on real people, and in some cases, online bullying has had fatal consequences.
If you, or someone you know has been the target of online or offline bullying, head to DitchTheLabel.org to find ways to overcome and deal with bullies.


Categories: News
Aaron Holloway: Australian photographic artist living in a small city in Germany. I travel a lot around Europe and blog about my travels, as well as photograph the cities and people I meet.