Top 3 Grooming Brands for Spring 19

Here at THEGAYUK we like to highlight to you new products each month to keep you looking and feeling your best. Beauty expert Thomas Swallow takes us through the best products.

With spring just around the corner though, we thought we’d take this one step further. It’s time to clear out the old, bring in the new and explore some new grooming brands, that are guaranteed to get you strolling into spring as fresh as a daisy.

1. ALTR for Men:

ALTR for Men is not a stranger to THEGAYUK. Having featured in our New Year’s grooming feature with their iconic Face Fix, this brand has been going from strength to strength since then. With new products launching on a regular basis, this brand is surely one to look out for as we head into Spring 19. Driven by the notion of simple, no-fuss grooming, that yields exceptional results. This brand is ideal for the city boy who needs to looks his best but not spend hours in the bathroom every morning.

Check out the brand on altrformen.com

Our Top Picks:

ALTR for Men: Face Fix: Half & Half (£13.99)

ALTR for Men: Blemish Balm (£11.99)

ALTR for Men: Whiskey Infused Moisturiser (£9.99)


2. WAR PAINT. for Men

Created as a means of combatting the founder’s body dysmorphia, WAR PAINT. for Men has become more than just a grooming brand. It has become a hub of information for men who are curious about makeup but who don’t feel comfortable going to their local Boots. The brand is all about empowering men to look their best and to do so with products specifically tailored to their skin. With all products being vegan, cruelty-free and made in the UK, we think it’s definitely worth giving their products a try.

Check out the brand on warpaintmensmakeup.com

Our Top Picks:

Foundation (£24.00)


Bronzer (£19.00)

Powder Brush (£7.99)

3. skyn ICELAND

Having lived in a Nordic country myself, I really feel akin to the ethos behind this brand. Founded by Sarah after her time spent in Iceland, following a battle with critical-illness induced by high-stress levels. She noticed the longevity of the Icelandic people and their vibrant healthy skin, realising the pristine and unpolluted nature of the land was a primary factor in this.

Having lived in Sweden myself, I can completely relate to this. Last summer my skin went crazy in the London summer heat. I had a multitude of factors adding stress to my life and my skin was having none of it. During the gap between my tenancies in London, I went back to the south of Sweden with my family and my skin cleared up within a few days. By the end of my week there, it was glowing and I do genuinely think, that this is due to the lack of pollution in these countries.

The brand itself centres around skin care, that is designed to treat the daily damages caused by stress and uses the remarkable natural resources of Iceland to do so. It is definitely worth grabbing a few products and checking them out on their website skyniceland.com.

Our Top Picks:

skyn ICELAND: Pure Cloud Cream ($55.00)


skyn ICELAND: Hydro Cool Firming Eye Gels ($30.00 for 8 pairs)

skyn ICELAND: Hydro Cool Firming Face Gels ($35.00 for 8 patches)

Thomas Swallow: If Carrie Bradshaw lived in London and had a penis, she'd be a pretty close match to myself. Twenty-something journalist making far too many mistakes in love and with a passion for grooming, fitness and fashion.