5 LGBT films you need to stream on Now TV

If you find yourself at a loose end and just don’t know what to watch, here are five queer films on the streaming service NOW TV for you to enjoy.


If you want to read the full list of LGBT+ movies on Now TV click here.

Boulevard  ★★★★

The late Robin Williams is bank branch manager Nolan Mack. He’s literally just going through life’s motions – working at a bank, with a longtime wife (Kathy Baker) and a very sick father in the hospital. Then one late evening after visiting his father, he drives through a derelict part of town and almost runs over a young man, Leo (Roberto Aguire), who turns out to be a male prostitute. Williams gives a delicate performance as the lonely and subdued Nolan. He’s a man whose conflicted, despondent and depressed until Leo comes into his life. REVIEW: Tim Baros

Brokeback Mountain ★★★★★

After a short stint trying to re-craft the comic book blockbuster in his own image, Ang Lee returns, gloriously, to more familiar ground. Based on Annie Proulx’s celebrated short story, Brokeback Mountain is a grand epic, a heartbreaking love story of two Wyoming ranch hands who fall for each other. In Retrospect: As soon as it ends you’ll want to watch it again. Even if it meant putting yourself once more through the emotional wringer. REVIEW: Catherine Wray

The Danish Girl ★★★


Based on the book of the same name by David Ebershoff, ‘The Danish Girl’ tells the real life story of Einar Wegener (Redmayne) who never felt right as a man so transitioned into a woman, being one of the first known recipients ever of reassignment surgery. It was with the support of his wife and fellow painter Gerde Wegener (Alicia Vikander) that gave him the courage and hope that helped him through transition. REVIEW: Tim Baros

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Original ★★★★

Camp as hell and forever stuck in a time warp, Richard O’Brien’s cult gothic-comic musical lures wide-eyed lovebirds Brad and Janet (Barry Bostwick and Susan Sarandon) into the mansion-laboratory of fishnet-clad loon Dr Frank N Furter, played with obvious relish by Tim Curry. Can the hapless couple escape Frank and his freakish minions or will the ‘sweet’ transvestite have his wicked way with them? You can almost smell the antici…


Deadpool ★★★★

Special forces agent-turned-mercenary Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) undergoes what he believes to be life-saving surgery under the knife of a crazed scientist (Ed Skrein). However, the operation does not go as planned, leaving Wade hideously disfigured and embarking on a violent course of revenge. Dark, sexy and extremely engaging. Ryan Reynolds plays a sexually fluid superhero.

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Categories: Film Front Page
Jake Hook: The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.