A petition has already formed over a Conservative and DUP coalition

A petition stating no confidence has already gone live over a coalition between the Conservatives and the DUP.

A petition of no confidence has emerged over a coalition of the Conservatives and the DUP.


The Conservatives have failed to achieve an overall majority in the General Election, securing 318 seats. A party needs 326 seats in order to have a majority.

Theresa May looks to have negotiated with the DUP, who have 10 seats, in order to take their total number of seats up to 329, a majority of just three seats. However, the coalition will not be welcome news for many in the LGBT+ community has the DUP has run on a platform of conservativism which includes anti-LGBT equality and anti-abortion.


The DUP have earned themselves a reputation for being homophobic after voting against same-sex marriage four times.


Lorraine Carter who created the petition writes,

“The UK electorates have spoken. The Conservative majority has been lost. The PM stated through all her campaging for strong and stable, not for a Coalition of Chaos. Once again another U turn. This petition shows no confidence in this coalition make up.”

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