ADVICE | My penis has started to curve is this normal?

Has your penis started to bend or curve at a strange angle? Is intercourse getting painful?

A small percentage of men find that their penises will start to bend or curve,  Jackie Hall, Health at Hand operations manager at AXA PPP healthcare gives us some insight into the condition known as Peyronie’s disease.

About 5 percent of men over the age of 50 will develop a condition of the penis called Peyronie’s disease. This is a benign but potentially emotionally upsetting condition in which scar tissue develops on the shaft of the penis sometimes resulting in a penile bend noticeable with erections.

This can lead to sexual dysfunction with in some cases the affected man avoiding a sexual relationship altogether.


A proportion of affected men will find erections and intercourse too painful although others will simply notice a lump on the shaft of the penis or a minor painless penile bend which does not cause too much trouble.


Unfortunately there are no really effective cures for this condition, however, we recommend visiting a GP for a more detailed assessment.