AfterEllen.com acquired by new owners

The site AllenEllen.com for lesbian and bisexual women has been acquired by new owners

AllenEllen.com has been acquired by a company called Lesbian Nation, a limited liability company, privately owned by Memoree Joelle and Gaye Chapman. Speaking about the acquisition Joelle wrote, “We purchased AfterEllen because we wanted to ensure that the site is around for many years to come. There is nothing else like AfterEllen out there, as we see it as the only media site that caters content specifically for lesbian and bi women.


“To that end, we are proud to represent lesbians, being lesbians ourselves, who we feel are a very underrepresented minority today”.

The amount the duo paid for the company has not been made public. At the time of sale, AfterEllen has 123,000 followers on Twitter, 112,000 followers on Facebook. According to SimilarWeb, it is the most read website for lesbian and bisexual women.


Joelle continued,


“So will there be changes? Well, yes and no. I have served as Editor in Chief since 2016, and that will stay the same, so the content of the site won’t be changing much. What will be different is that, as a new business that is independently owned, we will be focusing on quality over quantity of content in our early days. Our business intention is to grow slowly, so it may be a few more months until we expand with videos and increase our celebrity interviews…but those are definitely coming! In fact, many exciting things are in store, and we have YOU to thank for reading the site, commenting, and sharing articles.

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