Birmingham’s LGBT centre attacked for the second time this year

“No one else has had their window targeted”

Birmingham‘s very own LGBT Centre, which raises the awareness of the needs of LGBT people in Birmingham, has been vandalised for a second time in just a couple of months. In a tweet, the centre wrote that although the window-smashing might be the work of “petty vandalism” it also noted that none of the other shops or businesses in the immediate vicinity had their windows targeted.

The centre added that the cost of replacing the window was an additional expense that they did not need. The centre doesn’t know whether the damage would be covered by insurance and may have to set up a fundraiser to have the window replaced.


According to the centre, the damage has been reported to the police and the charity is in receipt of an incident number.

In a statement on the official Facebook said, “We have reported to the police and will be getting the CCTV on the island checked we have an emergency contractor going out today to board it up and hopefully it will be covered by insurance if not we may well set up a fundraiser thanks for all who are contacting with offers of support”


Birmingham is home to one of the UK’s largest LGBT scenes and a thriving bar and pride scene.


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