Cher Shares On Twitter

The Tweeting has been going on for some time now and we’re itching to find out more about the forthcoming album from the legendary icon Cher.

We’ve gone through her Twitterings to piece together some details, which turned into quite a fun little exercise. Cher likes to Tweet… A lot. Check her out on Twitter and tell her TGUK sent you. In a month’s worth of Tweets we discovered….


The album will be coming out in the “Last months of yr.But single drops b4”.


She will becoming to the UK to promote her album, potentially X FACTOR.


She can’t tell us any of the song titles.


The songs have ‘So Much energy & once they go,their [sic] kicking ! But my voice is really combination jen says CHER 2013!


Two of the ballads sound like a cross between I Found Someone, Turn Back Time and Believe


She’s teamed up with Timberland for an unlikely collaboration.


Timberland’s song is not called ‘Red’


This is her first studio album in 11 years.


She works it hard in the studio: “Worked hard last nite (sic)! I go in & sing for 90 min… Don’t like sitting down till song is finished! Usually I can ace 1 song. Turn Back Time (took) 90 min (sic)! I’m fast! Many artists take a lot of time, but more time wouldn’t make my vocals better.



On being asked about the gay community: “Loved my gay boys 4ever if they’re happy somewhere new im happy 4 them”


She had finished 8 tracks as of late August and working on a 9th.


She does have an album title – but can’t tell us.


She’s recorded two P!NK songs, on of which is a ballad – and she feels good about it! The other is a ‘ass kicking dance’.


P!NK’s producer Billy Man was in the studio.



She lays her clothes out on her bed before a day of interviews so she knows what she’s wearing – oh so very practical.


She listens to her songs whilst working out on the trampoline.


Christina Aguilera who worked with Cher in the film Burlesque is set to appear on the album.


Cher’s album is due out sometime in the 4th Quarter of 2012 (hopefully)

Categories: Celebrity