COLUMN | Gay fashion… Trying too hard or Too hard to Try?

Fashion & the modern man: Working hard or hardly working?

Let me start by saying that until about 4 years ago my dress sense was at best, questionable. So what I say now is everything I’ve learnt from then and from my modern day dress sense (which I’m informed I do have some dress sense – hurrah!).

We are told via various media that we need to be fashionable. Buy this season’s trends, keep up with the ‘new black’ and only buy labels that mean something. But is this high of fashionista hard to achieve? Well to those on the outside looking in, like me once upon a time, yes it probably is. Such high fashion seems an expensive waste of money when there are far more practical things you could be spending your money on. (For example, Gin…!).

But perhaps you can have your gin and drink it! (See what I did there?).

I recently frequented a trip to a local ‘cheap’ fashion retailer and went to see if they had a new suit (I had an interview, it didn’t go well, but that’s another story). I ended up wandering around their men’s section just having a peruse of what I could find. I ended up buying a few things that I didn’t expect.

So right now as I type this very column entry I am wearing one of these said purchases. My outfit consists of Black jeans, White Adidas trainers, a white t-shirt and a light grey ‘mandigan’ (male cardigan). All day I’ve had compliments on how great my outfit looks. Personally, I thought I was slumming it but apparently not.


Now that either means that my normal standard of dress for the office is so bad that people spot when I actually get it right (a possibility) or actually it was exceptionally good and worked very well for ‘dress down Friday’ in the office.

Now in total, including the trainers, I’d say this outfit cost less than £30 (and yes I bought the Adidas in the sale – I do loves me a bargain) so it is possible to get an outfit that is ‘socially on point’ for under £50.


So while yes the lovely branded stuff is fabulous (and I’ll always buy stuff immediately after watching Devil Wears Prada) actually achieving a fashionable look without breaking the bank is indeed possible.

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Categories: Column Comment
Scott Sammons: "Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our greatest source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it" Albus Dumbledore Hi there! I'm Scott and I write, I promote LGBT rights, I'm an Uncle to 2 amazing nieces and to some I am a nutter...I'm just me, trying to find my way in the universe. Catch me on twitter for more nonsense via twitter.com/i_scotty.
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