Conservative Gay Journalist Milo Yiannopoulos Is Unverified By Twitter

Controversial gay journalist Milo Yiannopoulos has had his verified status revoked by Twitter. Twitter erupts with JeSuisMilo in response.

With more than 133,000 followers on Twitter, Milo Yiannopoulos is probably one of the most famous out journalists on the platform but has had his verified status revoked by Twitter.

Verified is a system by which Twitter verifies that the account belongs to the person or people the account says it belongs to. Verified accounts are distinguishable by a little blue tick that appears on the Twitter profile of a verified account.

Milo Yiannopoulos, who operated from the account handle @Nero had his verified status revoked after he apparently “violated twitter rules.”

Yiannopoulos responded to the suspension of his blue badge by saying that he had been sat at the “naughty table” and that, “Twitter is gearing up to purge conservatives. Unverifying me is the first step toward a permanent ban.”


Milo Yiannopoulos came to public attention after launching The Kernel, an online tech magazine which was eventually bought by The Daily Dot. and for his reporting in The Telegraph.


Twitter has not responded to call from the media for comment.

Categories: Celebrity