Darren Hayes: The Force Brought Me My Husband

Speaking to TheGayUK Savage Garden’s Darren Hayes has said that the force led him to his now husband.

Savage Garden singer Darren Hayes has shared that “the force” (Star Wars fame) led him to his now husband, Richard, when he was asked what special power he’d most like to have.

The pair who have been together for 11 years now live in Los Angeles.


Speaking about their first date Darren added,

“Actually we watched The Empire Strikes Back on VHS cassette on our first date ever.

“We watched The Empire Strikes Back on video cassette. We didn’t do it!”

In an exclusive interview the Star Wars buff said,



“You know it probably would be the force.


“I genuinely think that everything good that ever happened to me has been when I’ve really calmed myself and listened to my heart. Everyone can do that obviously. Good things happen, beautiful things happen.”


The pair who have been together for 11 years now live in Los Angeles.



Speaking about their first date Darren added,


“Actually we watched The Empire Strikes Back on VHS cassette on our first date ever.

“We watched The Empire Strikes Back on video cassette. We didn’t do it!”


Categories: Celebrity