Domestic Abuse Helplines For LGBTs Open Over Christmas

Christmas is a really difficult time for many lesbian gay bi and trans people who suffer at the hands of their partner and family.

Broken Rainbow have put together this message in a view of keeping them safe.


Christmas is a difficult time for lesbian, gay bi and trans* (LGBT) people who are experiencing domestic violence or abuse. At this time of year, many of us spend more time with partners and our families, that can be exhausting, put a strain on finances and often involves a fair bit of alcohol- all of which can trigger incidents.

Also at this time of year, it is easy to believe you need to ‘try harder’ for the sake of family celebrations and not wanting to spoil the holiday. For some returning to the closet is also the only option for the sake of keeping the peace. Some are victims of coercive control with the threat of being ‘outed’ to family, colleagues and friends
All of this can be increasing stressful and isolating.

Broken Rainbow will be running business as usual throughout the festive season.


The helpline will be available
Monday 22nd December 10am -8pm
Tuesday 23rd December 10am -5pm
Christmas Eve – 10am -5pm
Christmas Day – 10am to 8pm
Boxing Day – 1pm – 5pm

With the same hours repeated the following week for New Year.


Broken Rainbow have also compiled 7 key points to remember This Holiday Season in order to look after you and stay safe.
1. If you are immediate danger call 999
2. Call the Broken Rainbow domestic violence and abuse helpline 0300 999 5428 / 0800 999 5428 to talk confidentiality to another LGBT person who will listen and help you understand your options
3. Email Broken Rainbow if you don’t feel able to talk over the phone our email is help@brokenrainbow.org.uk
4. Talk to a friend or someone you trust. It helps to share your problems.
5. Remember the violence or abuse is not your fault no matter what excuses you are given
6. Plan for your safety – think about worse case scenario; if you had to leave in a hurry, what would you take with you (money, id, and other important documents). Pack a bag with a change of clothes. Where would you go to be safe and get help? Remember you can always go to the police for help.
7. Keep your mobile fully charged and handy.


Remember you are not alone: Broken Rainbow receives thousands of calls each year from people experiencing domestic violence and abuse.

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