Explicit gay podcast nominated for British Podcast Award

The Probably True Podcast has been shortlisted for Best Entertainment at this year’s British Podcast Awards.

A podcast that celebrates sexuality has been shortlisted for Best Entertainment award at this year’s British Podcast Awards. The podcast features NSFW stories told in a fun and tongue-in-cheek way.

The award’s ceremony is being hosted on April 28th, in Kings Cross.


Other shortlisted podcasts include those by Edith Bowman, Scroobius Pip and Romesh Raganathan.

Probably True is a slightly naughty, sex-positive weekly storytelling project tackling LGBT issues in a fun and engaging way. Adhering to the mantra “Hopefully interesting, occasionally funny, Probably True”, each episode is a smutty-but-charming collection of personal adventures; much like its author.


The host, Scott Flashheart, explained the premise of the Probably True podcast series,


“The whole idea for this series was to talk openly and honestly about things that we might not normally, for fear of being judged. I use these podcasts to talk about these things openly, non-judgementally, and (hopefully) entertainingly, to foster larger conversations within the community.

“I don’t have all the answers, but the point is more to start a conversation. And if I can do it in a way that makes you laugh, then even better.

“So far, the series has covered issues such as promiscuity, coming out, cruising, masculinity and masturbation in engaging and funny 5-10 minute episodes, that all tell funny, touching and occasionally gross stories.”


On hearing of the nomination, Scott exclaimed,

“I’m actually amazed – this project is essentially just me sitting in a cupboard and talking to myself about jizz and sex and silly stories from my youth. To think it would be considered up against work by actual professional broadcasters whose work I know and respect is very bizarre and incredibly humbling.”

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