FILM REVIEW | Mysterious Skin

Starring one of our favourites Joseph Gordon-Levitt Mysterious Skin is a punch in the stomach film.

Deeply disturbing yet slightly beautiful. It’s a carefully crafted piece of story telling following the life’s of two young men who discover they share a horrible past together.

Brian (Brady Corbet) is a young man obsessed with alien abductions and believes that he was taken away at the age of 8 after waking with brief amnesia and a nose bleed. His journey to uncover the truth leads him to Neil (Gordon-Levitt) a teenage hustler who lives and breathes sex.

The unlikely two embark on a path of discovery.


This film is intensely painful to watch, harrowing, sickening yet the characters are rich and full, that you simply can’t take your attention away from it. Incredibly acted, you truly feel you’re on the journey with these two sad characters as they learn the truth about their childhoods’.


A dark, intense film.

Jake Hook: The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.