First Ever Drag Roast In Aid Of Terrence Higgins Trust

QX magazine and the Royal Vauxhall Tavern are teaming up for a night of razor-sharp barbs, withering put-downs and more than a pinch of smut in aid of HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust.

The Drag Roast, which will take place at the RVT on Thursday 11th October, will see drag legend Sandra roasted by a panel of some of the funniest names on the circuit. The flamboyant roasters will each take a turn at sharing their own tall tales and personal recollections of the self-confessed Whore of Hampstead Heath, before Sandra has a chance to snatch back the mike and turn the tables on the panel.

Amelia Woods, Senior Community Fundraiser at Terrence Higgins, said:


“Over the last 30 years, the support of London’s gay scene for our charity has been amazing, and we’re delighted to see that support still thriving today. We’re hugely grateful to QX and the RVT for organising this event, and to Sandra and her roasters for stepping up to the mike. It’s all for a good cause, with every penny raised going to support people living with and at risk of HIV in the UK, so get your ticket today!”

The Drag Roast will take place on Thursday 11th October at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern (372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY). Doors open at 7.00pm, and the performance starts at 8.30pm. Tickets cost £10 each, all of which will be donated to Terrence Higgins Trust. For further information, and to buy your ticket, please visit www.rvt.org.uk/event/drag-roast .

Categories: Drag