Former porn star Logan McCree teams up with BBC for I’m A Men’s Rights Activist

Logan McCree, (Philipp Tanzer), a former gay porn star has made a short documentary which is currently available to watch on the BBC iPlayer.

The documentary, which is currently available via the BBC iPlayer is entitled I Am A Men’s Rights Activist sees BBC journalist Alvaro Alvarez follow the German-born Tanzer as he travels from Scotland, where he now resides to Chicago, USA for a Men’s Rights Conference.

I Am A Men’s Rights Activist Reviewed

However clocking in at only 24 mins the documentary barely scratches the surface of what Tanzer claims he is trying to uncover or really explore any of the subjects that he mentions at the start of the programme, like male circumcision, domestic abuse against men, society’s expectations of men and paternity rights for fathers going through a divorce.

What’s left is a paper-thin outline of a documentary, with barely any contributors or stories for the audience to feel anything for the subjects raised.


The show lacks stats and fails to find any significant experts, aside from a divorce lawyer and an Open University research associate to talk about some of the issues raised.


What’s for sure is 24 minutes really isn’t long enough to explore this subject.

Categories: Review TV