Freddy Parker’s trouser BULGE just broke the Internet

Former X Factor hottie Freddy Parker has managed to get tongues wagging and temperatures rising after a video clip showed a rather large bulging trouser snake.

He may have been eliminated from the competition, a couple of weeks ago, but Freddy Parker is still capable of getting people talking as a recent clip uploaded to Instagram has proved.

Freddy was in London over the weekend to play a gig at G-A-Y, and like the majority of us when we check into a brand new hotel room, tested out the bed by jumping straight on it. However, it seemed the hunky singer was JBNK (jogging bottoms no knickers).

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However, it seemed the hunky singer was JBNK (jogging bottoms no knickers).


It kinda reminds us of when, One Direction’s Louis Tomlinson broke the internet with his manhood flip-flopping around during a game of footie.

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The little video clip has already attracted 30,700 views and over 290 comments, with many fans pointing out the size of the bulge in his jogging bottoms.


The X Factor singer was appearing at G-A-Y at Heaven, for a PA. Speaking about performing at London’s most famous gay club Freddy said,

“Can’t get over last night! So unreal I got to perform at Heaven?? Thank you everyone who came to support!”


Categories: Hot Men