Gay Refusal Pizza Parlour Makes $50,000 In GoFund Me Page

The Memories Pizza restaurant that made headlines after becoming one of the first businesses in Indiana to say they would actively discriminate against gay couples has earned nearly $50,000 in support on the GoFundMe crowdfunder site.

The crowdfunder, which was set up by Lawrence Billy Jones III, “To relieve the financial loss endured by the proprietors’ stand for faith.” has received over 1300 donations to the owners of Memories Pizza. The owners have said that they have gone into hiding since they said they would refuse to send pizzas to a gay wedding.

Kevin O’Connor, co-owner of the restaurant, who supports Indiana’s Religious Freedoms law said, “That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual. They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”


Funders have donated as little as $5, but one anonymous donor made a $5,000 pledge. Many of the pledgers have used the comment space to make outrageous homophobic statements.

Brett Jeffreyes who donated $250 said, “Sadly this is the first wave. We are seeing the rise of GAY SHARIA. They will go to any length to destroy people of conscience and good will. I expect to see Gay Sharia violence supported by both Social and mainstream Media in my lifetime.”

Whilst one gay supporter of the pizzeria, known only as BG said, “Not all gays are part of this pathetic, progressive, oppressive maffia [sic]. I am gay and I support your religious beliefs. I hope your business survives and thrives.”


Brennan Doherty who donated $10 said, “God bless them for not agreeing to support the farce of gay marriage.”

The original target for the funding page was $45,000.


Republican Governor Mike Pence has said that he wants to ‘fix’ the law so that it does not discriminate against the LGBT community. He has insisted however, that the law isn’t the problem, but how it is being perceived is.

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