CREDIT: Jaymi Hensley/ Instagram

Happy Birthday Jaymi Hensley

Here’s 9 of Jaymi Hensley’s hottest instagram moments to celebrate his Birthday

There’s no denying that Union J’s Jaymi Hensley is a babe. We love Jaymi’s Instagram. Go check it out

The Hangover

Despite being hungover he still looks incredible.


Celeb Mates

It’s not everyday that you get to hang around with a topless Rylan Clark.


Wakey Time

Not a bad sight first thing in the morning…


Leg Day



King of the pillows

It must take him at least half an hour to get into bed every night.



He goes to town for Halloween

also known sometimes as Gay Christmas


The Sun lounger

We liked this one… for some reason.


He’s out and proud

We love a man who’s out and proud.



Tatts enough…

He’s got quite a bit of ink…



Categories: Celebrity Hot Men