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Homophobia Is Still A Major Issue On Twitter

Anti-gay or homophobic slurs are still a big issue on social media.

Homophobic words like faggot, “no homo”, “so gay” and Dyke are used being used over 13,000 times a day or 541 insults an hour, on Twitter alone.

Nohomophobes.com a website set up in September 2012 to log all uses of the words faggot, “no homo”, “so gay” and Dyke on Twitter in real-time, is reporting that those words have been used nearly 61,000,000 times in 3 and a half years.


ALSO READ: Celebrity Big Brother’s Most Shocking Homophobic Moments.

ALSO READ: Homophobic crimes up 20 per cent in London, year on year.

The word faggot accounts for over half of all of the homophobic language that is Tweeted on Twitter.


Although the trend has been downward since January 2014, alarmingly the use of the word faggot is used thousands of times a day on the social media platform.

Since around June 2015, the levels at which the anti-gay slurs are tweeted have levelled out but still remain shockingly high.


When the site was launched in September 2012, Dr. Kristopher Wells from NoHomophobes.com told us,

“We no longer tolerate racist language, weʼre getting better at dealing with sexist language, but sadly we still see and hear homophobic and transphobic language in our society,

“While this language might not always be meant to be hurtful, we must not forget that words like “faggot” contribute greatly to the continued alienation and isolation of sexual and gender (LGBTQ) people, especially our youth.”

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