How Are Restaurants Rated On TheGayUK?

To give you an insight on how restaurants are reviewed we have set out the following criteria.

Overral impressions of the restaurant are given in a star rating format.

★ Critically wrong on every level. Avoid avoid avoid.

★★ Meh. Neither here nor there.

★★★ Good. Probably would go again. A few niggles here and there.

★★★★ Would consider this place for a special date or function would tell your friends and family to go there.

★★★★★ You are dragging your friends to go there.

In our restaurant reviews a place’s expense rating is determined in such a way:

£ Where a main costs less than £5, a starter and a dessert is £3 or less.


££ Where a main costs less than £8, a starter and a dessert is £4 or less.

£££ Where a main costs less than £15, a starter and a dessert is £6 or less.

££££ Where a main costs less than £18, a starter and a dessert is £7 or less.


£££££ Where a main costs more than £20, a starter and a dessert is £10 or more.

A main is determined by a mid-range item – not the most expensive item, not the least.

It is worth noting that TheGayUK reviewers are often the guest of the restaurant we’re reviewing, however this does not impact our decision or rating on a venue.

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