INTERVIEW: Mr Gay World 2014, Stuart Hatton

If you think beauty pageants are just for girls staring vacantly into the middle distance, where every answer is “world peace”, over-the-top tiaras and feeding starving pandas, you’ve not clapped your eyes on this year’s Mr Gay UK. Step up Hunky Stuart Alexander Hatton, the smouldering, 28-year- old, Star-Trek loving dance teacher who is the UK’s Mr Gay – and now The Mr Gay World 2014…

CREDIT: Terry George

If Mr Gay UK had superhero powers what would they be?

If Mr Gay UK had super powers this Mr Gay UK would want the powers of Mystique from X Men. To be able to be anyone in the world would be rather cool. I think I would secretly morph into a Hollywood A-Lister on the night of a red carpet launch and strut my stuff down the red carpet for the night.


Do you feel you represent all of the Gay UK?

I like to think that I represent a 21st Century Gay UK Gentleman. I am of the generation where prejudices don’t come in to play when discussing someone’s character, where it doesn’t matter what part of the country you live in as we are all connected instantly to each other via the world of wi-fi and social media and I believe that I am doing it for all those Geeks out there too.


What did it feel like to get up in front of a huge audience and strut yourself around?

It sounds a bit clichéd but it was all a bit kind of slow motion really. I am an underwear model and I am used to standing in my underwear in front of a photographer and a handful of people on the shoot but the Mr Gay UKFinal was something different. I am not used to being in my underwear in front of a crowd with spotlights on me but all the other finalists were in the same boat. We appreciated that it was not a normal environment so we supported and cheered each other on all the way through the event.


CREDIT: Terry George

What are your gay predictions for 2014?

My Gay prediction for 2014 are that:

1. Russia will eventually have to eradicate the ‘banned gays’ law.

2. That gay marriage will bring a lot more financial reward to smaller businesses within the UK.

3. That Star Trek will introduce its first gay character.


Are you single or can someone still take the place of Mr Gay UK + 1?

There is only one +1 that I’d Like if he’s available and that would be Chris Hemsworth (Thor)


Some of the other past winners of MGUK have taken up porn – will we find your face of the front of a DVD anytime soon?

No you won’t. My main job is that of a teacher to children and I enjoy my job. A lot of my friends are porn stars and I appreciate that it is a difficult business to live in and that is unfortunately not ‘my cup of tea’.

I have the utmost respect to those lads who choose to work within the industry and I am flattered to have been asked to work on DVDs before but my talents and passions lie within teaching dance.


You’ve clearly got an amazing body… Tell us, is it good genetics or do you work out like a minx?

I wake up usually at 6am and I go to my personal trainer, Garnt Henson’s Studios. I am usually half asleep and walking like a living zombie when I train at 7am and basically what he puts me through is Pure Hell which he likes to call, ‘Strength and Conditioning Training’ which involves Heavy Compound movements and hypertrophy training; so basically short rest periods in between sets and I think that the key to myself staying lean comes down to dancing almost 8 hours a day as well.  It’s like that old saying though, no pain then no gain and Grant’s results really pay off.



If you had 3 wishes – and none of them could be to have more wishes what would you wish for?

1. To be financially secure to afford a comfortable lifestyle so that I could take care of myself, family, friends and future children.

2. That Star Trek was real.

3. To have a permanent roll as a Muppet Performer and Puppeteer



UKIP should…

Hang their heads in shame.

Kylie must…

Not follow the trends but set them.

Champagne is…

My secret luxury that I love.

Poppers are…

Not for me.

Gay Marriage will…


Be Fabulous.

My family has…

Always supported me in everything I do.

I came out to…

My Mam first.


Follow Stuart on Twitter @hattondancer

Photography: Terry George / MrGayUK


This interview was taken from Issue 2 Of TheGayUK – Download your copy today from iTunes or Android

Categories: Interview