Just a reminder how utterly bad-ass Madonna is

The QUEEN of pop Madonna is trending on social media and it’s not about what controversial thing she’s supposed to have said, or people complaining about “how-inappropriate-her-clothes-are-for-her-age”, nope, it’s about her biopic and who is going to film it.

Madonna and the big screen haven’t always been easy bedfellows, there have been the highs (In Bed With Madonna) and there have been the lows remember Swept Away? But her next film project, the yet unnamed biopic, is something we can’t wait to see.

And there’s no doubt who will be taking the reigns with this project. Madonna herself.

Universal Pictures has announced that they have greenlit the film and Madonna is going to be directing and co-writing the project herself.


This, of course, was foretold in an interview with Graham Norton…



Categories: Celebrity