Justin Bieber Offered $1 MILLION To Make A Dildo From His Dong

A dildo maker in the United States has offered Justin Bieber $1 million to advertise its Clone-Your-Own Willy service.

The star, whose penis recently became the talk of the town has apparently been offered $1 million to represent Clone-A-Willy – a firm which allows customers to clone their own penises and make them into dildos.

Despite saying that he felt super violated by the candid pap shot taken whilst on holiday in Bora Bora, the Biebs did joke that he was suffering ‘shrinkage’ on the day the photo was taken.

A letter sent to Bieber’s commercial agent from Clone-A-Willy said,


“Justin Bieber, he’s popular, talented and now as the entire world knows … quite well-endowed. You can only imagine … a huge billboard of Justin Bieber and “Clone-A-Willy” in West Hollywood. It would surely do wonders to help promote his new album and certainly wouldn’t hurt his “dating” life.

“We know that Justin is a big celebrity and our offer is commiserate [sic] with someone of his enormous stature,” the letter continues. “We are offering Mr. Bieber a million dollars to endorse ‘Clone-A-Willy.’ “

So would you buy a Justin Dildo?

Categories: Celebrity