La Manif Pour Tous London Protest draws poor turn out

La Manif Pour Tous, the French anti same sex marriage and anti adoption for gay couples, organisation is taking its protests to the streets of other European cities including our very own Trafalgar Square.

After the reported 340,000 protesters who turned up last month in Paris to march against same sex marriage, the French organisers have booked out Trafalgar Square for a UK protest, again expecting to bring in thousands of supporters.

However it could be the great British weather or the fact that most UK citizens support same sex marriage, as the live web cam shows, it’s quite a poor turn out and not quite the scenes of Paris last month.


The organisers state that they have 3 purposes to their demonstrations:


– First, because defending children rights is not a French or an English matter, but a global matter- Secondly, because we share the same values around marriage and family; we need to be united


– Finally, because it’s obviously a way to send a message to the UK government, even if the demonstation [sic] is initiated by the French.

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