London’s Largest Gay Sauna To Be Demolished

CREDIT: © Artmim Depositphotos

London’s biggest gay sauna is to be demolished to make room for hotel, retail and offices.

The Shoreditch branch of Chariots, London’s biggest gay sauna, is set to be demolished in yet another set back for the gay community and its ever diminishing scene.

Since the year 2000 London has lost over 100 bars and clubs. London’s gay scene has been beset with venue closures including Barcode Vauxhall, The Black Cap and The Joiner’s Arms. Last year the RVT was involved in a lengthy battle to save the legendary venue.


Construction on the site is said to start within a few months and will leave Chariots with 3 other sites across London in Streatham, Waterloo and Vauxhall.

The area is due to be completely renovated with plans submitted to Hackney City Council showing a 300,000 square-feet “mixed use” building which will create a 200 luxury room hotel and 100,000 sq feet offices, retail and community spaces.

It is due to be completed by the end of 2018.





