Nearly one third of Brits think that being gay is a choice

Staggering findings from a YouGov survey has found that nearly one-third of Britons think that being gay is a choice.

CREDIT: Oneinchpunch-bigstock

A survey has found that 31 per cent of British people think that being gay is a choice and not a naturally occurring phenomenon. YouGov who conducted the poll found that nearly half of people questioned (49%) thought gay people were born that way.

Overall, three per cent of those questioned thought that someone’s sexuality was the result of a person’s upbringing.


Men were more likely to think that homosexuality was a choice with 32 per cent believing homosexuality was a choice. A slim majority (54 per cent) of women believed that it was the way people were born. Those who are 18 to 24 were more likely to think it was how people were born.




When the stats were broken down into political persuasions, 41 per cent those of who voted UKIP thought that being gay was a choice while 39 per cent thought that it was naturally occurring. Those who vote Labour and Liberal Democrat were more likely to believe that it was the way that people were born, but still, a quarter believing that it is a choice.


Data journalist Matthew Smith from YouGov said,

“The survey finds that those who voted Labour or Lib Dem in 2015 are the most likely to say people are born gay (both 58%), and the least likely to believe it is a choice (25% and 26% respectively). Conservative voters are much less likely to believe people are born gay (43%), but are still more likely to do so than think people choose to be gay (35%).”

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