Ofsted says “No evidence” that Birmingham School’s No Outsiders lessons are age-inappropriate

Ofsted has said there was no evidence the curriculum overly focused on LGBT issues and that it is taught in an age-appropriate way.

Parents at the Parkfield Primary school in Birmingham had criticised the school’s No Outsiders lessons as age-inappropriate over some of its focus on LGBT+ relationships and gender expressions, but a report today from Ofsted has now said that the lessons are not taught in an age-inappropriate manner and do not overtly focus on LGBT+ issues.


In reality, the lessons focus on race, religion, gender identity, age and disabilities. Despite this, the lessons have caused many parents of children at the school to demonstrate outside the school and around 600 children were removed from classes by their guardians at the beginning of March 2019.

Headteacher David Williams described the report as “great news”, according to the BBC.


The inspection by Ofsted was arranged after parents said that they were concerned over the leadership at the school.


In his report, Ofsted’s senior inspector Peter Humphries said, “A very small, but vocal, minority of parents are not clear about the school’s vision, policies and practice.

“This group of parents feel that staff do not sufficiently listen to their concerns.


“Their view is that PSHE education and equalities curriculum focuses disproportionately on LGBT issues and that this work is not taught in an age-appropriate manner.


“Inspectors found no evidence this was the case.”


Categories: Front Page News
Jake Hook: The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.