Petition Calling On Government To Apologise For Discharging Gay and Lesbian Force Members

A petition calling on British Prime Minster David Cameron to apologise to LGBT Armed Forces who were discharged for being homosexual has gone live.

CREDIT: © StockCube

A formal petition has been accepted calling for the UK’s Government to issue apologies to men and women who have been kicked out of the HM Armed Forces which include the Army, Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force, for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans.


The petition is also asking that the resettlement grant also be given as well as advice that would have been offered to other members leaving the forces.

It is thought that up until 1998 around 60 force members a year were being discharged for being gay. In 1999, just before gay and lesbian people were legally allowed to serve in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces,  that number rocketed to 298.

The apology will potentially affect hundreds if not thousands of past members of the Armed Forces.


Creator of the petition Jacqui De La Maziere said,


I am really pleased that this has passed Parliamentary standards for publication. It would make such a difference to the mental health of those affected, if we could have an individual apology, letter, ceremony or other, that acknowledges our suffering so that we can move on but feel acknowledged for our contributions.

Many of us won honours, served in conflicts and lost our way of life. If we could get 100,000 signatures to get this debated in parliament within six months, if not before, it would be fantastic for all concerned, their friends and families.

Petitions that reach 100,000 signatures are considered for debate in Parliament.





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