RECIPE | Homemade Honeycomb

My first taste of home-made honeycomb came from my step-mum and it was so good and even better when she told me how simple it was to make yourself from scratch. The only bit of equipment you need is a sugar thermometer, I got mine off eBay for about three quid! Equipment and ingredients cost nothing with this golden bubbly crunchy dessert.

CREDIT: Jordan Lohan

Dip some in melted dark chocolate for variety, and pair with a freshly prepared fruit salad.

250g caster sugar
170g maple syrup
1 tablespoon baking soda
freshly ground sea salt (optional)


1. Grease and line a small shallow baking tray and line with greaseproof paper.
2. In a large non-stick saucepan, mix together the sugar, maple syrup and 60ml of water.
3. Over a medium heat stir, until the sugar has dissolved and then leave the pan be so it can reach a boil (this is when you want your sugar thermometer to check once it has reached nearly 300 degrees), this could take up to 7 minutes.
4. Take the pan off the heat, and quickly add in the baking soda whisking enough to combine the two then pour the mix immediately into the prepared baking tin.
5. No need to smooth over the top, you will destroy the air bubbles!
6. If using sea salt, sprinkle so now on top.
7. Leave the baking tin somewhere cool to set. When ready break into pieces and serve. Keep leftovers in an air-tight container.

Categories: Recipe