34 Per Cent Of Young Lesbian Gay And Bi People Tried To Commit Suicide Last Year

A new report from LGBT mental health charity PACE shows that 34 per cent of young LGB people have tried to commit suicide in the last year.

The survey, which is released to coincide with anti-bullying week shows that 34 per cent of young LGBs have tried to kill themselves compared to 18 per cent of their heterosexual counterparts.



Even more concerning is that nearly half of young trans people have attempted suicide at least once in the last year, compared to 26% of cis-gender young people.



Recently PACE launched their Stop LGBT Suicide! campaign to spotlight the shocking findings of their RaRE report, with bullying seen as one of the key reasons young LGBTs have considered or attempted suicide.


Ian, who was helped by PACE said,


“I was gay and growing up in a very hostile environment; there was a lot of aggression, a lot of homophobic stuff coming at me from my father. And in my life there were just no gay role models,. I didn’t know any other gay people.

I thought there was something wrong with me and I remember feeling that really strongly….. And I just felt that [suicide] was the only solution, and there was nobody to– well I wasn’t able to speak to anyone about it”



PACE’s Chief Executice Margaret Unwin said

“Currently we have only part time provision for young people’s advocacy, counselling and a weekly youth group. Unfortunately this is nowhere near what is needed. Despite the desperate need, we have seen funding for y/p’s work reduce, to the point where we cannot offer young LGBT+ the targeted services they deserve.”



The STOP LGBT+ Youth Suicide campaign is PACE’s solution to fill the gap in funding and service provision. Our campaign target of £30,000 could potentially help us support 245 young people through our counselling work.



