Russia forces withdrawal of Durex condoms

Durex condoms are to be removed from stores in Russia after the product was found to be incorrectly registered.

Concerns are rising in Russia that sexually transmitted infection could spread across Russia after Durex maker Reckitt Benckiser has been forced to withdraw the popular Durex brand because the product’s paperwork was not “registered in the proper manner,” said Mikhail Murashko who heads up the federal healthcare watchdog.


The condoms could be back in Russian stores soon, but only if Reckitt Benckiser follows the correct registration procedure.

Murashko said that access to condoms should not be a problem for Russians, as Durex is just one of sixty brands available for purchase in Russia.


However, according to The Guardian, Durex accounts for one-quarter of all condom sales in Russia – but Durex’s withdrawal could potentially affect the public’s access to safe and rigorously tested condoms.


As of 2016, Russia has over one million registered HIV cases being reported.


A spokeswoman for Durex said,

“We have been made aware that Durex products sold in the Russian Federation may require updates to its local registration.

“It is a purely administrative issue and neither is the quality nor the safe use of Durex condoms affected.

“We are working closely with the regulators to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

“This matter affects only Durex products sold in Russia. No other market is affected.”

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