CREDIT: Tristar/YouTube

Ten Film Gems From The 80s

I woke in a retro mood this morning, put BAD by Michael Jackson on and reflected fondly on some of my favourite movies from the 80s. Here’s a list of some of the favourites, some of which time has unfortunately forgotten.

Flight Of The Navigator

Released in July 1986, the film follows 12 year old David, who mysteriously travels 8 years into the future after falling down a ditch. Meanwhile an alien spacecraft has smashed into some power lines, through a serious of tests, officials realise that David’s time jump has something to do with the alien ship. The boy, as it turns out is the only one who can gain access to the seemingly impenetrable craft. Max the spacecraft’s personality and voice is wonderfully vocalised by Paul Reubens, David is played by Joey Cramer



Batteries Not Included

In 1987 the über sentimental film Batteries Not Included was released to the world and took a whopping $65m in box office takings. The films follows the lives of elderly couple Frank and Faye (respectively Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy)Riley who run an apartment building in New York City which is in danger of being knocked down for a brand new development. Their future looks bleak until a pair of flying living machines appear in their apartment one day. Watch with a full box of tissues – it’s a weepy.




The NeverEnding Story


Not a dry eye in the house when the horse drowns, if you’ve watched this movie you’ll know what I’m talking about. In the spring of 1984 Warner Bros Pictures released unto the world The NeverEnding Story – and went on to be one of the most successful films of the 80’s grossing over $100m. Bastian Bux (Barret Oliver), a quiet boy who loves to read, is bullied on his way to school, so he takes shelter in a bookstore, interrupting the grumpy bookseller. Bastian asks about one of the books he sees, but Mr. Koreander warns him it is “not safe.” Nevertheless, Bastian “borrows” the book, leaving a note promising to return it, and races towards school. He then hides in the school’s attic to begin reading The NeverEnding Story. Cosmic and comic.



Honey I Shrunk The Kids

There can’t be anyone one who hasn’t watched this film and thought, ‘I wish that happened to me…’ With Rick Moranis at the helm, Honey I Shrunk The Kids was a sure fire hit. It grossed $222m, and probably one of the most famous films of the late 80s.
The story and filming is pure magic and one of my all time favourite films. Released in June 1989.



The Secret Of My Success

80’s favourite Michael J. Fox was known for his hit films – and one of the lesser remembered is, The Secret To My Success, although it was a massive box office success. The story follows the life of a recent graduate who moves to New York City from the sticks where he lands a job as a financier – when he arrives he finds his job no longer exists because of a hostile takeover.


Released in 1987 the film grossed $110m securing Mr J. Fox’s continued bankability.


Despite appalling Box Office figures in the summer of 1986, Labyrinth has become a bit of a cult movie for kids of the 80’s. David Bowie and puppets – what’s not to like? It grossed $12m and cost over $25m to make. Starring Mr Bowie and a sterling performance from relative newcomer Sarah Connelly, the film is a bright, colourful highly entertaining piece of movie history. There’s even a goblin, Hoggle, who’s caught pissing in a fountain, performed by the Brian Henson, son of the late, great, Jim Henson. Genius.

The Boy Who Could Fly

The title of this film gives nothing away. Sarcasm is my friend. This film truly does what it says on the box. It’s about a boy who can break the rules of gravity and fly. It’s a moving little film that tells us, if we ‘love long enough, wish hard enough – anything is possible’. Except that is in real life, where no matter how hard you love or wish, you will never fly without the aid of an airline. Released August 1985 and bombed at the box office making only $7m.




It’s a bit of classic and firmly put Goldie Hawn on the map as a sex symbol in Hollywood. I may even had stirrings when she appears in that swimsuit. No wait, I just wanted to wear that swimsuit. With music by Alan Silvestri (Back To The Future, The Bodyguard, Predators). When rich bitch Joanna Stayton falls overboard (she lives on a floating gin palace of a boat) and suffers amnesia, recently fired, lowly carpenter Dean Proffitt sees an opportunity to wreak revenge on his former employee. Released in the winter of 1987 the film went on to gross $27m.



Short Circuit

In May 1986 Johnny Five became alive. One of the most enduring characters of the 1980’s Johnny Five is a military, killing machine that becomes self aware and goes AWOL after a power surge causes him to malfunction. Starring Steve Guttenburg and the wonderfully stereotypical bordering on offensive (but okay at the time) Indian immigrant, Fisher Stevens. Box office took $40m.



Three Men and a Baby

It’s a classic, Steve Guttenburg, Tom Selleck and Ted Danson were arguably some of the most famous faces of the 80‘s. The film follows the high and the lows, the ups and downs of three men looking after, you guessed it, a baby, they also returned in the less successful, but equally fun sequel, Three Men And A Little Lady, released in 1990. The original film was released in 1987 and was a box office smash taking nearly $170m. Look out for the ghost in the film – it’s Hollywood legend!


Categories: Entertainment Film
Jake Hook: The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.