I’m calling for a show like Drag Divas to be a nightly event in our fair capital city of London.

If you’re a fan of drag I implore you to catch the last performance of Drag Divas at the Arts Theatre (last performance tonight, 25th August 2012). Remember VH1’s DIVAS, yes? Well Drag Divas is exactly the same, its uncanny… OK, well not quite, but there is a smoke machine and there is a glittery back curtain and there are some definite contenders for biggest Diva, all done flanked by two rather tasty, mostly topless, male dancers. John Moore, Anthony Poore, Leo Loren, Chris Dennis, Rob Tucker make it their collective goal to bring every diva to ever grace the earth, dead or alive, to Arts Theatre’s intimate stage and they do it with a fieriness that gets the audience up on its feet. It’s quite the (g) A (y) list of divas that the troupe liberate on stage, Etta to Tina, Shirley to Liza, Lady Gaga to Kate Bush and some of the performances are quite astounding. Leo Loren’s Amy Winehouse is staggering and his Cher leaves you wondering in bewilderment ‘where on earth is he storing his man goods’, whilst Anthony Poore’s Posh Spice had the audience howling with laughter. Chris Dennis was more Liza than Liza (if you can believe such a thing) – every note perfected, every move lovingly recreated and just unhinged enough to make the impersonation definitive, and the show is a perfect platform for Rob Tucker’s incredible belt.


The evening was hosted with Mrs. More at the helm or should that be hem. Her patter is tried, tested and filthy, but oh so very welcomed. Mrs. More whips the audience into a party mood and you are in no doubt that a great evening that lies ahead.


What the audience relished in was the passion that each Artiste gave their diva. Excited whoops of ‘Oh My Gosh, I love her!’ can be heard in the stalls as G&Ts and white wines are supped by an audience who is clearly lapping up every sequined moment. The cast’s live singing would leave most of the divas they were imitating standing in an open mouthed stupor.



The wide stupid grin on my face at the end (and I wasn’t even drinking), and the singing of ‘I Wanna Dance With Somebody’ on repeat all the way home was proof enough that Drag Divas needs, nay, must become a nightly part of Soho’s gay scene.



Camp, glam and OTT

Jake Hook: The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.