There are over 70 countries where it’s illegal to be gay… here they are

Did you know it’s illegal to be gay in over 70 countries worldwide?

Here are the countries in which it is illegal to have a same-sex sexual relationship.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Antigua and Barbuda
  4. Angola * decriminalised gay sex in 2019
  5. Bangladesh
  6. Barbados
  7. Bhutan
  8. Botswana
  9. Brunei
  10. Burundi
  11. Cameroon
  12. The central African Republic
  13. Chad
  14. Comoros
  15. Cook Islands
  16. Dominica
  17. Egypt
  18. Ethiopia
  19. Eritrea
  20. The Gambia
  21. Ghana
  22. Grenada
  23. Guinea
  24. Guyana
  25. India (now legal)
  26. Iran
  27. Indonesia*
  28. Jamaica
  29. Kenya
  30. Kiribati
  31. Kuwait
  32. Liberia
  33. Libya
  34. Malawi
  35. Malaysia
  36. Maldives
  37. Mauritania
  38. Mauritius
  39. Morroco
  40. Myanmar (Burma)
  41. Namibia
  42. Nigeria
  43. Oman
  44. Palestinian Territories
  45. Pakistan
  46. Papua New Guinea
  47. Qatar
  48. Sahrawi Arab
  49. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  50. Saint Lucia
  51. Samoa
  52. Saudi Arabia
  53. Senegal
  54. Sierra Leone
  55. Singapore
  56. Solomon Islands
  57. Somalia
  58. Somaliland
  59. South Sudan
  60. Sri Lanka
  61. Sudan
  62. Swaziland
  63. Syria
  64. Tanzania
  65. Togo
  66. Tonga
  67. Trinidad and Tobago (Became legal in 2018)
  68. Tunisia
  69. Turkmenistan
  70. Tuvalu
  71. Uganda
  72. United Arab Emirates
  73. Uzbekistan
  74. Western Sahara
  75. Yemen
  76. Zambia
  77. Zimbabwe
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