This guy just destroyed gay toxic masculinity in the best way

What is it with toxic masculinity and shaming effeminate men from within our own community?

CREDIT: Dean-Drobot-bigstock

We are so tired of fat and body shaming.

This RealJock user has set one such tox guy in the most glorious way. When user, Neal, told Nicolas to “be a man and shut up” after raising the issue of how toxic gym spaces could be for LGBT+ users he was told,

“The only thing toxic to men is the increased feminity among them. I’ve seen your pics, maybe if you looked better you wouldn’t feel so insecure, but that’s your issue”.

U OK Hun?

But it was Nicolas’s response that set our hearts racing.

He responded,


“Wow! It’s statements like this that are damaging our community from within rather than building it up. But all you’ve done is prove my point and show how muscled-up gym bros like yourself can make the gym a really hateful place. You seem completely unaccepting of gay guys who you consider weak or effeminate, but how are they suppose to get stronger if they have to wade through your toxic bull$%^t just to get to the squat rack”



Can we get an amen?

Jake Hook: The editor and chief of THEGAYUK. All in a previous life wrote and produced songs on multi-platinum records.