Tim Farron Wins Liberal Democrat Leadership Race

A new leader has been announced for the Lib Dems.

The Brian Paddick backed candidate, Tim Farron has won the leadership battle to front the Liberal Democrats. Tim Farron is the party’s former president.

Speaking about Farron’s record on equality issues Paddick remarked,

“Tim Farron has come under a lot of criticism from people who either deliberately or simply misread Tim’s position when it came to votes in the House of Commons on equal marriage,

“He did ask for a change in the timetable to allow more discussion over complex issues around people who have honestly held beliefs who are currently employed as registrars, for example, who would feel very uncomfortable because it conflicts with their faith to conduct an equal marriage ceremony. He felt not enough time had been allowed in the parliamentary time belt to discuss those issues.”




Tim Farrow had been up against Norman Lamb who said,


“This leadership election has energised and united our party. Tim Farron will be a passionate leader of our party, championing social justice and leading from the front in our campaign to rebuild the liberal voice in our country. I will give him my full backing.”


A statement released by the Lib Dems said:

“We are delighted to announce that Tim Farron has been elected as Leader of the Liberal Democrats.

“In an all-member ballot for the leadership, 56% of members voted with the result revealed this afternoon.

“Tim Farron received 56.5% of the votes and in second place Norman Lamb received the backing of 43.5%.”

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