TODAY IN GAY | The Admiral Duncan Bombing

In 1999 a nail bomb went off in the popular gay pub The Admiral Duncan, killing three people.

Three people were killed and dozens injured when a bomb, left in an unattended bag, placed by David Copeland, exploded on the 30th April 1999.

Andrea Dykes 27, Nik Moore 31 and John Light, 32 were killed. Andrea was four months pregnant at the time. Around 70 people were injured.

David Copeland was captured that same evening. He had terrorised Londoners with two other bombings, one in Brixton on the 17th and one in White Chapel on the 24th. His two other bombs, fortunately, did not kill anyone. It was thought that Copeland was trying to stir up race and homophobic tensions.


Copeland was convicted of three murders and three offences of planting bombs on 30 June 2000 and given six life sentences. The minimum time he’ll spend behind bars is 50 years.


Read more about the attack here and to see pictures from the attack click here.

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