Two gay men appear in BBC top paid talent, no other LGBT representation

BBC has released its top earners and two gay men are featured in the top 10. The top-earning lesbian doesn’t feature.

The BBC’s gender pay gap has been released and shows that the top 12 earners are all still men, with Graham Norton (up to £609,000) and Nick Grimshaw (up to £409,000) featuring in the top 10. Further down the list of the top 22 earners include two other openly gay men, Scott Mills (up to £289,000) and Evan Davis (up to £259,000)

There are no out women or trans people in the top 20. The highest paid LGB woman is Clare Balding who is now reported to be earing up to £189,000. Last year the BBC reported that she was earning up between £150,000 and £199,000.

The list released by the BBC features talent and staff who are paid directly by the BBC and earn over £150,000.


Norton’s wage was reduced from up to £899,000 in this new list, while Nick Grimshaw’s wage has actually increased from up to £399,000.


Last year the BBC used multiples of £50,000 to denote its staff’s salary rather than give accurate figures, this year that has been deceased to multiples of £10,000.