UK Leaflet: The Judgement Of God on Homosexualism Reveals Itself In AIDS

An Anti-gay and abortion leaflet has left residents in Ely, Cambridge shocked and outraged.

The leaflet which is titled Works of Darkness has been put through the doors of houses in Ely.

Cambridgeshire Police have been notified.


The leaflet contains paragraphs on fornication, contraception, euthanasia, homosexualism/lesbianism and divorce.

For homosexuality, it reads: ‘Homosexuality is not inborn, it is a development disorder, a traumatised condition arising out of a dysfunctional family, or it is a lifestyle choice.

‘It is utterly opposed to the law of God and to nature, and should in no way be condoned or promoted.


‘Also, the adoption of children by gays and lesbians constitutes a form of child abuse. The judgement of God on homosexualism reveals itself in the AIDS/HIV virus.”

According to Ely-News.co.uk one resident said, “I came home to find this vulgar, offensive thing on my doormat.

‘I find it extremely disturbing and I have reported it to the police. Whoever is responsible for delivering them needs to be dealt with immediately’


Another resident said: I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I think whoever is responsible for these leaflets should be prosecuted by the police.’

This is one of a number of leaflets that have been delivered to residents around the UK. In August residents in Brighton were outraged when similar hateful leaflets were delivered through their doors.

A Spokeswoman for Cambridgeshire Police said, ‘Leaflets of a homophobic nature were distributed in Cambridge earlier this year. Additionally, similar material has been distributed in other areas of the county and indeed, the country.


‘Whilst it is acknowledged that many recipients will be offended by the leaflet’s content, Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights gives individuals the right to Freedom of Expression – the right to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideals without interference by public authority. This includes opinions which may offend, irritate, shock or disturb.

‘While the material being distributed earlier this week will in many cases offend, irritate, shock or disturb, the content, context and actions of the male concerned fall short of any criminality at this time.

‘We will however continue to monitor the situation both locally and nationally. Anyone who is approached or receives any of this literature should contact police by calling 101.’

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