We can’t wait to get our hands on this Pride cocktail by Lambrini

Lambrini boys just want to have fun

We’ve never seen so many pretty colours in one drink… plus it’s a drink that comes with edibles, so sensibly you’re lining your stomach before you go to town!


Here’s how to make the Rainbow Road cocktail.


Blend six ice cubes with the 15ml Blue Curaçao. Pour into the bottom of a jam jar style glass that’s been dipped in hundreds and thousands.


Blend the pineapple juice, lemon juice, vodka and bubblegum gomme with six ice cubes and pour gently on top of the Blue Curaçao.

Top with crushed ice and pour over the cranberry juice and Very Cherry Lambrini.

Garnish with fizzy rainbow strips, marshmallows a slice of watermelon and other colourful sweets.



50ml Lambrini Very Cherry
25ml Vodka
25ml Cranberry juice
15ml Blue Curaçao
15ml Bubblegum gomme
15ml Lemon juice
25ml Pineapple juice
Coloured sweets