Aaron Frew / Twitter

What has Aaron Frew done to his FACE!

OUCH! Big Brother star Aaron Frew has done something to his face!

So the Big Brother star has had something done to his face and it looks painful but he assures us he is ok!


So Aaron has joined the legion of celebrity fans, including, apparently Rupert Everett, that have had the infamous Vampire Facial. The treatment, first made world famous by Kim Kardashian, involves your own blood and a lot of injections. Aaron smiled through his procedure and Snapchatted the entire thing.

The Vampire Facial is a way to “Rejuvenate your skin, using your own platelets” according to The Garrett Clinic where Aaron had his treatment.


The procedure which costs £550, uses your body’s own ability to heal itself using platelets in your own blood.

Aaron told us, despite looking like a drastic treatment as there are quite a few injections involved, that it wasn’t painful and “was okay”.


Apparently to get the full benefit of a vampire facial you will need 3 sessions at 4-6 intervals. Would you be tempted to try out the vampire facial?

Categories: Celebrity